My law firm is older than the Internet. I hate it when I say stuff like that. It makes me sound so old. I don’t feel old. I definitely don’t act old. I’m one of those annoying old guys who overuses the word “Dude” and still tries to stay on top of the current music...
My Take on Making a Murderer
“Making a Murderer”. Photo: Courtesy of Netflix. It has been tough getting into the swing of things after the holidays. It’s not because there is nothing to talk about; quite the contrary. With Affluenza Teens and Bill Cosby and stand-offs on Federal Land it’s an...
The End of Racism… and Politics
Political parties can be a problem. For example, one party has portrayed itself as defenders of racism and discrimination. They have taken the position that it is OK to treat certain members of society differently, as lesser humans. To them, it has been acceptable to...
Lawyers and Truth in Advertising
“DA-AAAD!! Who would ever want to hire a lawyer who needs advertising?!?” That’s the punch line. Now, here’s the joke: for over a decade, our little law firm had served as the primary public defenders for Island and San Juan Counties. It was tough work, riding ferries...
Keep it Simple, Stupid
“I’m the BEST BLOGGER EVER! Really! My blogs are so wonderful and entertaining and smart. Because why? Because I am so smart. And SUCH a great writer! Did I mention that?!? Really really really great. Dickens Great. Shakespeare Great. Heck, even Louis L’Amour Great....
Let’s Hear it for the PD’s!
Well, here I go again. Saying nice things. I know that is practically illegal to do online, but I promise to get more critical soon. Frankly, my main source for topics has previously been mainstream media, but since the only thing they seem capable of talking about...
“Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?”
That has to be one of the World’s most Ironic Quotes Ever. It came from Rodney King, who was in the middle of two of the most notorious violent episodes in the 90’s. First, his own videotaped beating at the hands of some of LAPD’s finest. Second, the riots caused when...
First Thing We Do… Let’s Appreciate All the Lawyers
I know, right? It’s a take on an old lawyer joke. That oughtta attract some troll traffic. But I just can’t help it. All of the online negativity in general, and that directed at lawyers specifically, is beginning to get to me. I’ll have more on the general negativity...
Cops Gone Wild! …Again!!
I’ve had it. For some reason that video, the one with idiot cops screaming about blowing a hole in the poor guy’s head, got to me. No, the victim wasn’t black. And no, he was not actually shot and killed. But maybe that’s the issue. There was nothing else going on...
“Mandos” and How They Violate The U.S. Constitution
Before we start, I have a small secret to share. Those of you who regularly follow this blog will have noticed that I sort of disappeared the past few weeks. That’s because I was having open-heart surgery and recovering. Recovery is going OK, but it sort of took the...