It is not always crystal clear what causes things like riots to get out of control. One politician even blamed gay marriage for what has been happening in Baltimore recently(!) I try to be open minded about other people’s opinions, but seriously? A more serious...

Legal Marijuana in Seattle
I’m kind of in a state of shock. Not because only legal pot store in Seattle, Cannabis City, on its Opening Day. No. I’m in a state of shock because the local Pete Holmes, being fourth in line when the store opened at noon Tuesday. We’ve come a long way, baby. You...
Navarette v. California: Anonymous Claims Sufficient for DUI Stop
In Navarette, the United States Supreme Court recently held that an anonymous informant’s tip that a certain truck “ran her off the road” was sufficient to provide reasonable suspicion of DUI to support a traffic stop. The opinion is problematic as it will have far...
Richard Sherman Is The Best In The League and Western Washington Is The Best In the Country
I hope everyone saw Richard Sherman on CNN the other night. If you did you saw an exemplary human being speaking openly with great insight. And, he plays a mean corner. Before the interview, I assured my wife that he would come through. It wasn’t just that I’d seen...
Part 3: Conservatives Should Support Fed Legalization of Pot In Washington State
In part 1, we discussed the original understanding of the Federal commerce power and its erosion. In part 2, the gross, substantial expansion of the Federal Government’s power that occurred in the twentieth century was discussed. Now, we’ll cover the relationship of...
Part 2: Conservatives Should Support Fed Legalization Of Pot In Washington State
In Part 1, we talked about the original understanding of the Federal commerce power and how it has been eroded. The gross, substantial expansion of the Federal Government’s power that occurred in the twentieth century is discussed below. Up until about the 1930’s the...
Part 1: Why Conservatives Should Support Fed Legalization Of Pot In Washington State
Conservatives champion small federal government limited to the express functions set forth in the constitution (i.e. enumerated powers), state sovereignty, federalism, separation of powers, laissez faire economics, and limited regulation. Yet some conservative pundits...
A New Strain of Medical Marijuana May No Longer be a Drug, Legally Speaking
Why are drugs like heroin, cocaine and even marijuana illegal? Simple. Drugs are illegal because they get you high. At least that is a big part of the reason. Experienced criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors in Seattle know that drugs are classified according to...